
ChirOasis is a chiropractic practice based on the core values of “A Healthy Mind, A Healthy Body, A Healthy Life".  A combination of chiropractic care and nutrition wellness, we focus our patients on total health with a chiropractor. With a waterfront view located in Marina Del Rey, California, our patients enjoys a relaxed atmosphere and pleasant surroundings while receiving chiropractic care.  Additional services are purification of skin and body, weight loss programs, biofeedback, photo light therapy (LLLT), and more.  Complete healthcare is our mission, with a belief that a properly functioning body will promote total wellness through chiropractic.


Our Mission is to provide quality chiropractic care specializing in the needs of men, women and children. To serve those who thrive for ultimate health: a healthy body, a healthy mind, and a healthy life. Our lives can be filled with stress leading to a less than perfect existence. At ChirOasis, we believe that a healthy body can enable a healthy life. Our overall approach to living and diet is founded in natural remedy, reducing the need for chemical dependencies. We firmly believe that chiropractic treatment can lead to a healthy life, re-establishing the body’s harmony by correcting misalignments.

Why not choose to be healthy?

About Us – Chiropractor Marina del Rey

ChirOasis is a doctor run establishment that helps to improve the quality of life without the use of drugs. Our belief is that we can have a healthier life by maintaining a correct alignment of our body, and by following a diet and exercise plan to return that body to a natural, healthy state. Your health should be a reflection of what you want your life to be, the best possible you. We are a safe harbor to discover what are the conditions of life that can cause the body to become imbalanced, and how to naturally correct those problems. In addition to a full palate of chiropractic treatment, ChirOasis offers diet, supplement, and exercise programs to help you maintain a healthy body and life.

An Oasis amid life’s pressures, come let us help you feel better!


As our name implies, ChirOasis is part Chiropractic care and part Spa and total wellness facilities. The word Oasis implies a lush retreat found in the midst of desert like conditions. Too often our lives are missing the calm and colors available in life, focused instead on the stress of daily lives and the fast pace of modern life. Our goal is to offer a break from that stress, and to help our patients focus on achieving a better balance in their life and health.
Our focus is total health care, of the mind and the body with chiropractic and spa wellness. Our programs are all designed at returning your life to proper balance. Why not be healthy?

Purification and Detox programs

With Chiropractic care we focus on body purification.  Think back of how your body felt  walking along the beach and the energy of the  breaking waves. You breathed deep, your brain cleared, your body in tune with the earth, at piece and rejuvenated. The ionization of trillions of water molecules crashing to the earth caused positive reactions.
Did you know the more toxins our body stores, the faster we age and break down.  Purification provides immediate benefits: increase energy, alertness, weight loss, improved digestion which, thus, restoring balance to the body lessening symptoms of discomfort.  The aging process is slowed and the body is rejuvenated.


Resting Metabolic Test

Our Chiropractic program focuses on weight loss as a tool to reduce discomfort.   When people are overweight there is a greater chance they will participate with weight loss and chiropractic care.

Our Resting Metabolic Testing device may provide needed data in estimating the  resting metabolic rate of your body.  It is widely known that a low basal can make the body inclined to weight gain.

Bio-Feedback Technology

Are you still trying to balance your health needs with guess work!   A Chiropractic care program can be utilized to determine your body stressors.  Bio-communication scan is a simple and painless process that is used as an aid to determine the nutrition your body needs. It utilizes the Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) technology used in lie detector tests.  No questions are asked! Your body will naturally respond to this communication and a response is recorded.

Chiropractic in Marina del Rey

ChirOasis has a licensed Chiropractic Physician, which is a Chiropractor,  who diagnosis condition and treatment in the prevention of disorders of the nerve and muscle systems and the effects of these disorders on the overall general health.   Our services are most often used for complaints of back pain, neck pain, joint pain of arms and legs, and headaches.   Our method of treatment is conservative without the use of drugs or surgery.  And we also provide wellness care and treat ailments other than muscle and skeletal problems.  A variety of therapeutic equipment and various techniques are used to provide manual and manipulative therapy, that are non-pharmacological in nature, for disorders and discomforts.

Doctor of Chiropractic Degree

The majority of chiropractors are graduates of fully accredited “first professional degree” granting institutions.

Chiropractic is generally classified as Chiropractor, Primary Care Providers (PCP), complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), Holistic Doctors, Natural Doctors, Drug-less Doctors, Back Doctor, Preventive Medicine, Rehabilitation professionals, and Physical Medicine.  No prior authorization necessary for service.

The word ‘Chiropractic’ comes from the Greek words “cheir” (hand) and “praktos” (done),  Done by Hand.

Chiropractic approaches healing with a human touch.



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